Lake Forest Place
Lake Forest Place
1100 Pembridge Drive
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Presbyterian Homes is an independent, not-for-profit corporation providing the highest level of quality residential communities, health care programs, and services for older adults from diverse backgrounds. Through its programs and activities, Presbyterian Homes seeks to embody the values of the Christian tradition for persons of all faiths by attending to their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual needs. Through the Geneva Foundation, Presbyterian Homes assists older adults with limited financial resources. By offering a comprehensive continuum of care and a nurturing environment, Presbyterian Homes encourages older adults to experience the fullness of life in community with dignity, joy, and the maximum level of independence their health will allow.
It begins with the word joy. It continues with the unending belief that older adults should never retire their spirit. Never let go of their curiosity. And never, ever surrender their independence.
More than a century ago, Presbyterian Homes' founders believed that these aspirations were vital to the well being of older adults with limited financial means. And they did something about it. They started an organization that allowed older people to live in a community that provided friendship, dignity, and opportunities for fulfillment.
Today, Presbyterian Homes is renowned for its vibrant, extraordinary residential communities for older adults. Yet, benevolence remains at the heart of our mission.
In fact, it is seamlessly integrated into the life and spirit of Presbyterian Homes. One out of six residents receives financial assistance through our charitable Geneva Foundation. In the year 2007, we invested over $7.5 million in providing housing, health care, and other services to older adults.
Through these charitable programs, Presbyterian Homes seeks to embody the values of the Christian tradition for persons of all faiths by attending to their physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual needs.
Our benevolent initiatives, operated by the Geneva Foundation, hold enormous importance to those who support our mission. Funds for this work come solely from donors and endowment income - not from resident fees. Nor does Presbyterian Homes accept any government grants. Throughout the past century of service, Presbyterian Homes has never stopped serving a resident based on that resident's inability to pay.
In 1914 Presbyterian Homes served fewer than 10 people. In 2007, over 300 older adults received some form of financial assistance. These older adults represent diverse faith traditions and socioeconomic backgrounds. As a faith- based residential community, Presbyterian Homes continues to look for new ways to provide assistance and community to those who need our support. Here are profiles of the benevolent programs that the Geneva Foundation provides:
