Rolling Hills Manor
Rolling Hills Manor
3615 16th St
Zion, Illinois, USA
Phone: 847- 746-2147
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Five-Star Quality Rating System to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare nursing homes more easily and to help identify areas about which you may want to ask questions.
The Nursing Home Compare Web site now features a quality rating system that gives each nursing home a rating of between 1 and 5 stars. Nursing homes with 5 stars are considered to have much above average quality and nursing homes with 1 star are considered to have quality much below average
Rolling Hills Campus is a not-for-profit Senior Living Community that helps people enjoy and manage their retirement years. Owned and managed by the Slovak American Charitable Association (SACA), the Rolling Hills Campus has a family-like, casual atmosphere yet offers sophisticated person-centered services.
Located on the Rolling Hills Campus is Rolling Hills Place where independently-minded older adults, who may or may not need assistance, enjoy living in the 61-apartment rental community among others who share their interests.
With the burden of home maintenance, cooking, weekly housekeeping and other chores handled by staff, residents are free to engage in Rolling Hills Place's many social, educational and leisure activities as well as off-campus outings.
When assistance with medication reminders, bathing, dressing and other personal care is needed to remain independent, the dedicated staff at Rolling Hills Place provides this help in the privacy of the individual's apartment.
30 Years and growing
Rolling Hills Manor serves the elderly who need long-term care, rehabilitation services and/or respite care. It is both Medicare and Medicaid certified and affiliated with physicians on staff at local hospitals.
Remarkable about Rolling Hills Manor is the outstanding attention to person-centered care provided by an accomplished, long-standing staff whose ratio to residents exceeds other skilled nursing communities. This allows residents and staff to become "family" and often expedites a residents return to his or her own home.
Rolling Hills Campus is small enough to know you . . . big enough to serve you!
Services at Rolling Hills Place are designed for independently-minded seniors who may, or may not need assistance.
Safety and Security
• Nursing staff is on duty 24 hours daily
• 24-hour emergency call system
• Sophisticated fire alarm and sprinkler system
• Prompt response to resident medical emergencies
Optional Medical Services
• Medication Assistance including set up and reminders
• Levels of care available to meet each residents needs
• Service plans reassessed regularly to meet individuals changing needs
• A Dietician available for consultation and educational seminars
• On-site physician services including family practitioner, podiatrist, dentist and optometrist
• Access to on-site skilled nursing care, rehabilitation and quality long term care at Rolling Hills Manor, if needed
• Access to on-site outpatient rehabilitation including physical, occupational and speech therapies
Optional Personal Services
• On-site beauty and barber services
• On-site manicures and pedicures available
• Services available from licensed nurses
• Daily around-the clock attention to personal care needs furnished by professionally certified resident care attendants.
• Pastoral care and regularly scheduled worship services for various denominations.
• Established residents may be eligible to apply for financial assistance through SACA's Community Benefit Standard.
