StoneCrest Manor
StoneCrest Manor
110 Harvard St
Momence, IL 60954
Phone :815-472-2411 Nancy Baldwin or Julie Winn.

Welcome to StoneCrest Manor

Our sitting room is much more than it sounds, it is a place where we gather to visit, exercise, and hold motivational sessions. My friends and I often sit around the piano to sing our favorite songs, and sometimes we meet here to be entertained by church groups. The room is furnished with comfortable chairs and sofas where we like to sit to read a good book or the morning paper

Activity Room

Scheduled activities include cards, bingo, current events, chair and dance excerises. The activity person leads the games; she is fun to be with because she makes me laugh. The other ladies like her a lot too; she encourages us to achieve our capacity physically, emotionally and socially.

The Kitchen

Our dietary staff prepare home cooked meals, and they make the yummiest desserts.

Thank you for visiting with me today!
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